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Challenging Times Create Opportunity for New Ways of Getting Work Done

It’s been about a month since many of our Hexagon PPM employees – including myself – began working from home. As you can tell from the photo above, I am settling just fine into the new world of work!

I can host a call with colleagues and receive package deliveries at the front door, all while screaming the WI-FI password to my kids so that they can keep up with their schoolwork.

I’ve been energized to witness the ingenuity and creativity of the entire team at Hexagon, who is navigating this dynamic situation and adapting to a remote mode of operation. I’ve noticed that they are generally keeping their spirits high, in the 30+ video calls, online happy hours and birthday celebrations I’ve participated in … all at a safe distance.

As I shared with customers early into this crisis, we are doing everything we can to support our customers and meet our product development milestones.

Last week, we were scheduled to have an onsite workshop with one of our customers in Europe. Of course, that couldn’t happen, but we were able to host a virtual event that spanned four days … six hours a day. That took an unbelievable level of commitment from our customers and staff.

Depending on how much longer we must keep our distance, we could be scheduling more of this kind of connection.

I also want to give kudos to our support teams, who have maintained uninterrupted service for our clientele, mostly from home offices. Our incoming service requests and resolution rates show that we are functioning at normal levels.

Even though we had to cancel onsite training at customer locations, we’ve been able to shift to a remote instructor-led model, and I’ve been told that we are meeting our clients’ expectations.

As our customers transitioned their own operations to home offices and users moved outside their corporate network, they have encountered some connectivity and licensing issues. I’m proud to say that our team was able to extend support beyond their normal areas and help resolve several customer IT issues.

Historically, our software implementation services were about 70% remote and 30% onsite. The COVID-19 crisis has changed our business model to about 90% remote, and when we must be onsite, we follow COVID-19 protocol. We are leveraging technology whenever possible to minimize the impact to any project schedules, and we continue to reach out for evaluation to ensure we are delivering value.

As ready as we all are for our work situations to return to normal, we will remain vigilant in promoting safety for our customers and our employees.

Stay up to date on how Hexagon PPM is managing the COVID-19 crisis.

About the Author

As president of Hexagon’s Asset Lifecycle Intelligence division, Mattias Stenberg is responsible for the global strategic direction and overall business development of the company. He has an MBA in economics from Linköping University and a degree in computer sciences from Stockholm University, both in Sweden.

Profile Photo of Mattias Stenberg