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How We Are Supporting Our Customers In the Time of COVID-19

Hexagon PPM is a truly global company, with offices in more than 60 countries. As such, the very first signs of what has become the COVID-19 pandemic were of great concern to us for our employees and customers in China.

That concern has transformed into action as the weeks have passed, and we’ve minimized our travel as well as implemented a global work-from-home policy for many of our 3,000+ team members in an effort to mitigate the spread of this dangerous virus.

For so many of our clients, the ability to work from home isn’t possible. These are the people who are on the front line of extracting/refining/producing the things we can’t do without: oil, gas, electricity, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. To them, we offer our appreciation for continuing to do the hard work of keeping the world lit and warm and safe.

We also offer them a pledge. Whatever they need from us to keep these vital industrial assets running without disruption as safely and efficiently as possible, we will do. If you need us, we will be there. Our customer service and support networks remain fully staffed, and we are ready to assist you 24 hours a day as always.

Specifically, our Cloud Services teams are run by onsite personnel in New Zealand, India, Ireland, the U.K. and the U.S. There should be no impact on how we manage and support the Cloud.

While no one knows how long the world will remain in emergency mode, we do know that our customers’ efforts are vital, and our support of them is unwavering.

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About the Author

As president of Hexagon’s Asset Lifecycle Intelligence division, Mattias Stenberg is responsible for the global strategic direction and overall business development of the company. He has an MBA in economics from Linköping University and a degree in computer sciences from Stockholm University, both in Sweden.

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