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Project Portfolio Management

The Converging Digital Project Ecosystem: Are you the One?


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Is “digital transformation” just another industry buzzword? All hype, no progress, and very little relevance to what I need to get done today? Join us as we explore a vision for how the world of projects could be operating today. An idea for a connected set of data sources, yielding true insights that fundamentally transform the success of projects (rather than small incremental change that never seems to solve our persistent issues of overruns, delays and strategic missteps). And will you be the one to make it a reality across your organization?


In this webinar we discuss:

  • Today’s technology landscape
  • The path to a truly unified project ecosystem
  • The business benefits that make this worthwhile
  • The parable of too big vs. too small
  • Practical steps to make the project ecosystem a reality




   Corey Short
   Director, Portfolio Strategy and Enablement for EPP



Corey Short has a career spanning 20 years with a background in strategic corporate leadership, project, portfolio, and contract management, project controls, and enterprise software implementation. Corey leads the Enterprise Project Performance team at Hexagon, helping organizations mature their project performance capabilities in order to achieve highly efficient predictability and control, and ultimately improve returns and margins from project investments.

About EcoSys

From Hexagon's PPM division, EcoSys is the Enterprise Project Performance software platform that helps project-driven organizations align and manage organizational strategy and project/contract execution. By increasing visibility into performance and predictability across the full life cycle of projects and portfolios, EcoSys helps you identify what drives project and organizational success, and take proactive measures to maximize returns and margins.