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Configurable Control of Work

Find out how you can achieve straightforward digitalization without disruptions: *** It's still common across a range of industries for operations personnel to use a non-digital permit system. For example, the use of pre-printed paper forms or word processor documents can increase the potential of human error due to manual administration and limited site-wide visibility of work locations and status. As for satisfying compliance, auditing multi-copy paper forms is time consuming, labour intensive and inconsistent. Unfortunately, this means those responsible for planning or performing work are not fully informed and as productive as they could be during safety-critical control of work processes. Writing paper permits is a time-consuming activity, especially given the amount of work that is done repeatedly. Creating, reviewing, approving and managing traditional permits also leads to high administration costs. By digitalizing these processes with j5 Control of Work, companies can reduce operational risk and increase efficiency. Information can be prepared quickly and thoroughly in the control room using a desktop browser or mobile computer. This means fewer errors and less lost working time associated with making changes to issued permits. j5 Control of Work can also be connected to the CMMS or EAM software, increasing visibility between interconnected departments. Digital workflows also ensure that the correct permit is issued to the right person at the right time, and approval processes are enforced, ensuring compliance. Site walk-throughs using 3D models and laser scans are also possible to enhance the planning process. j5 Control of Work supports effective collaboration and overall communication between various stakeholders when planning and executing maintenance and inspection work safely.