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Enterprise Projects Performance: Improving Returns with EcoSys 8

The EcoSys 8 software release introduces an expanded vision for managing the life cycle of projects -- Enterprise Projects Performance. Beyond project controls, this approach looks strategically across an organization spanning multiple programs, portfolios, or divisions -- with a mission to maximize returns and margins. In this session, we showcase the three products of the EcoSys Enterprise Projects Performance platform – EcoSys Portfolios, EcoSys Projects and EcoSys Contracts – and how their interaction creates unparalleled visibility. Attendees will see how improved enterprise projects performance is driven by: The alignment of strategic decision making with tactical, real-time project and contract intelligence Proper prioritization, selection, and management of project portfolios from inception through execution to close out Controlling projects and managing contracts through standardization based on best practices to avoid overruns and mitigate contract risk High visibility of forecasts and trends via built-in dashboards, dynamically drilling down into underlying causes