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CAESAR II, saving you time ⏲️

We want to help you to discover more about CAESAR II’s time-saving features and how to take advantage of them in your projects. What would you do if you had more time in your projects? 


The unique capability of CAESAR II with FEATools for automatically providing more applicable SIF and flexibility factors for bends and intersections is extremely useful. We have seen situations where a significant re-route of the pipeline was avoided, saving time and resources due to the additional flexibility afforded on the trees, gained from more accurate analysis from the FEA refined models.   

Automatic stress isometrics with Isogen is something that improves the quality of reports and your communication. After seeing low-quality screenshots of piping systems with node numbers provided in reports, it’s clear they are quite difficult to follow and read. To combat this, users can take advantage of the automated Isogen capabilities feature. Stress isometrics make reading reports and putting the node numbers into context far easier and quicker. 

Having a more accurate analysis model from the FEA-refined data is, of course, desirable to any engineer. The result is that analysis takes just a few minutes with almost zero intervention from the user, meaning that this is no longer a specialty tool that is only to be used in certain circumstances; it can be done on every analysis! This feature can lead to significant savings in time, in addition to finding that traditional resolutions such as expansion loops are no longer needed, saving money on the piping structure itself, too.  

+ Clear isometrics 
Utilizing reports supplemented with clear isometrics means that there this no longer potential for misunderstandings. Seeing the layout of the system in the context of the CAESAR II model – e.g. the clear display of the node numbering – means everyone understands the results tables. This automation saves the user time and also gives greater visibility.  

+ Gain tabular report information
A feature that isn’t commonly utilized by CAESAR II users is changing the report structure to gain more detailed tabular information. If you have previously run a statics analysis, then you can get more information on a region of interest by calling up Static Output from within the Piping Input window, each of which can be configured as required, see the example below.  

  • The Piping Input is on the left, with its Element List ‘torn out’ and shown at the top.  
  • Select graphical Output; color-coded SUS(tained) Piping Code stress levels, which shown in the middle with the ‘Element Viewer’, to the right, giving more detailed tabular information. 

As ever, detailed Output Reports contain the most accurate results and should be consulted. The above arrangement ensures that no one CAESAR II window occupies the entire real estate of a display, as that can lead to graphical artifacts due to the rendering system used in MS Windows. 

Want to learn more about how CAESAR II can help you execute projects faster with improved data accuracy and effective data export? Register for our first Analysis Fundamentals webinar on CAESAR II today.

About the Author

Chris Bradshaw has over 15 years of experience in training, implementation, and ensuring his customers are getting the most of their CADWorx & Analysis Solutions. He joined Hexagon in 2004 as a Solutions Application Engineer before progressing into the role of a Senior Business Development Specialist, utilizing his experience in technical support, customization, and training to guide customers in their digital transformation journeys. He lives in the United Kingdom.

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