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Engineering Data Made Mobile

In today’s competitive business environment, project stakeholders are looking for new efficiencies. Here at Hexagon we look to develop such solutions that would allow you to collaborate more effectively with your team and make project information readily available to all engineering parties.

Powerful and intuitive mobile viewing solutions such as HxGN LiveView for Engineering that allows you to seamlessly find, view, navigate and print live engineering data to support your work processes all at your fingertips. By allowing for truly portable review process, the mobile application facilitates:

• Improved communication frequency between stakeholders promoting better decision making
• Reduced errors through revisions and mark-up of documents in digital twin keeping it ever green
• Superior collaboration by providing the up to date information to the right person at the right time
• Augmented inspection of systems in the field with current data aiding in faster time to production

The modern and intuitive solution allows you to view the data from authoring tools in a visual manner with hierarchies, graphical and as detailed data in grids and table views. It includes additional components for access to Intergraph Smart® P&ID and Intergraph Smart® Electrical.

Expanding on its existing capabilities, this latest release also supports viewing drawings as PDF files and is now available from either a cloud solution or on premise. Fast-track your project execution while lowering operational risk with this solution available for iOS and android devices today!

Learn more here.

About the Author

Christopher is the product owner for HxGN LiveView for Engineering in Hexagon’s Asset Lifecycle Intelligence division. He has been with the company for almost 30 years and is based in Huntsville, Alabama, USA.

Profile Photo of Christopher Barksdale