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How a leading water utility leverages HxGN EAM for intelligent networks and predictive maintenance

In the metropolitan heart of Italy, Gruppo CAP, a prominent public utility, serves more than 2.2 million citizens across Milan and neighboring provinces. As one of Italy's leading publicly-owned water operators, Gruppo CAP grapples with the complexities of managing a sprawling network of water and sewer infrastructure, wastewater treatment plants, and purification facilities. To uphold transparency, accountability, and public oversight, Gruppo CAP embarked on a transformative path. They harnessed the power of Hexagon's HxGN EAM to usher in a new era of intelligent networks and predictive maintenance.

The Challenge: Bridging Data Gaps

Effectively maintaining a water infrastructure network of this magnitude is no small feat. Gruppo CAP faced the challenge of making its entire network more intelligent, collecting data generated throughout the asset lifecycle. However, the organization grappled with data fragmentation across multiple systems, resulting in information loss and considerable delays between data collection and actionable insights. Domenico Andreis, CEO of Hexagon's partner I-AM, highlighted that "important information was stored on Excel sheets, and maintenance records were collected on paper before being entered into the company's current application."

The Solution: HxGN EAM - A Digital Backbone

In early 2021, Gruppo CAP embarked on a quest to identify an enterprise asset management solution that could serve as the digital backbone for its operations while streamlining processes. Their choice was HxGN EAM, a powerful software platform capable of managing complex assets, integrating disparate data sources, and facilitating data-driven decision-making with minimal additional development.

The implementation of HxGN EAM was swift, going live within just 10 months, thanks to an innovative "hybrid agile" methodology. This approach ensured speed, flexibility, and transparency in the transition. Matteo Belloni, Gruppo CAP's Head of Asset Management, noted, "We are now seeing the results."

The Results: Elevating Service Quality

The adoption of HxGN EAM brought a substantial transformation to Gruppo CAP's operations:

Centralized Data: Gruppo CAP now possesses a comprehensive real-time view of its assets, enhancing control.

Data-Driven Decisions: With HxGN EAM, Gruppo CAP can make informed decisions and optimize investments efficiently.

Predictive Maintenance: Advanced analytics and key performance indicators empower them to predict and prevent failures, optimize maintenance schedules, and enhance asset reliability.

Mobility Features: Field technicians have transitioned to tablets equipped with the Transit app, streamlining and standardizing work processes.

Elevated Service Quality: These improvements translate into higher service quality, increased customer satisfaction, and more sustainable water services.

The Future: Expanding Possibilities with HxGN EAM

Gruppo CAP's journey is far from over. They intend to enhance HxGN EAM with advanced modules such as Predictive Maintenance, Reliability Centered Maintenance, BIM integration, and Machine Learning for anomaly detection. This positions them to fully embrace Maintenance 4.0, ensuring ongoing improvement and reducing the total cost of ownership.


Gruppo CAP's adoption of HxGN EAM has redefined their operations and taken them a step closer to realizing their vision of a smart, efficient, and sustainable water utility. The story of Gruppo CAP's journey with HxGN EAM underscores the transformative potential of technology and innovation in the management of critical infrastructure. As Tiziana Lorefice, Senior IT Project Manager at Gruppo CAP, aptly puts it, "Choosing to adopt HxGN EAM was a strategic decision, and it has since become a critical application within the company. We anticipate that it will continue to prove its worth in the future." Don't miss the full case study on how Gruppo CAP is reshaping the water utility landscape with HxGN EAM.