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How Salt River Project Achieved Quick-Time-to-Value by Digitizing Outdated Processes

Renewable Energy company, Salt River Project (SRP), is the United States of America’s third-largest public power utility company and one of Arizona’s largest water suppliers. The company was using an old generic notes application for the standard logging of events at their power transmission and distribution facilities. The limited functionality of its previous software made monitoring maintenance issues burdensome, manual processes unnecessarily difficult and restricted the situational awareness when managing and recording events.

Consequently, the company decided that its outdated processes did not fit in with its modern environment, and change was needed to ensure greater efficiency and visibility of operations management activities.

After defining requirements from its business units and conducting a formal RFP process, SRP implemented a range of j5 Operations Management Solutions that were easily adaptable, customizable and extendable. With the SRP team adapting to the digital solutions easily, day-to-day human processes improved. The recording and managing of manual and automated events across shifts are now clearer and more efficient.

Operators and supervisors are able to review relevant data and alarms at Shift Turnover thoroughly. Hexagon’s j5 Operations Management Solutions significantly improved the flow of communication and information, which has ultimately raised the company’s productivity levels. Digitalizing its manual processes has helped the company achieve time savings and increase accuracy.

“Without j5 Operations Management Software, there would be more manual processes and, as a result, less accuracy and situational awareness of recorded events and important alarms. Our business users like the solution and it has helped them achieve greater productivity,” said Maureen Kempton, Manager of Business Systems Applications for Salt River Project.

Take a look at the case study in full to find out how Salt River Project has benefited from digitalizing their operations.

About the Author

Victoria is a communications specialist for Hexagon's Asset Lifecycle Intelligence division in the EMIA region, where she creates marketing collateral and social media. Located in Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Victoria has a MSc in International Marketing Management from Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen & the Diploma in Professional Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing – along with a passion for all things social!

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