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HxGN APM's Purpose-Built Approach to Asset Performance Management

HxGN APM, with its unique Asset Twin technology, facilitates the seamless lifecycle management of asset strategies through its purpose-built approach to asset performance management. Incorporating industry experience, the solution effectively engages all  stakeholders in a unified process. Effortlessly integrating with existing practices, it not only bridges people and data for active asset strategy management,  but also minimizes downtime, optimizes costs and enhances overall safety. 


The Process: 


Assess Risk 

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Everything you need to mitigate failure risks on your assets. 

  • Start by assessing the risk of credible failure modes on assets that impact business objectives. 

  • Exposing asset risk helps to focus on the riskiest assets, identify underperformers and find opportunities for improvement. 


Protect Assets

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Complete visibility to all active failure risks. 

  • Implement strategies to protect assets from potential failure risk through mitigation activities such as PM’s, analytic evaluations, inspections, monitoring and overhauls. 

  • Our intuitive user experience (UX) enables you to map protections to each failure mode, ensuring strategies are in place and operationalized. 



Monitor Asset Twin 

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 Standardize and scale reliability best practices. 

  • Leverage existing data to monitor asset and operational conditions. Automatically prescribe mitigations when threats emerge. 

  • Advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning helps HXGN APM continually evaluate asset health, detect operating anomalies and predict failure. 


Act on Threats 

Manage bad actors, risk and advisories across all of your assets.

  • Ensure appropriate corrective action is taken to minimize risk to the business and ensure learnings drive optimization of asset strategies. 

  • Intuitive management of failure risks, current asset condition and remediation efforts drives an effective continuous improvement process. 


What Makes HxGN APM's Methodology Different? 

Our four-step process guides you through the design, implementation and management of asset strategies - including digital asset twins. We know that the asset twin must be accessible across the organization and for the asset’s entire life span. What can’t or doesn’t get measured doesn’t get improved. That is why we designed our process to enable maintenance, reliability and operations professionals to easily measure their APM program’s effectiveness. By driving a continuous asset optimization cycle, our model provides increased equipment reliability while lowering operating costs.

With our approach, you can balance maintenance activities and asset lifecycles within budget constraints. The result is a dramatic drop in unexpected and costly failures and asset downtime. There is no better time for a new approach to asset performance management.