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Prokon Refurbishes Oil & Gas Facility in Record Time with Hexagon

Prokon LLC – a full-service Azerbaijani construction, engineering, procurement and project management company – was hired by a client to reconstruct and modernize an existing oil refinery. The project’s goal was to maximize efficiency and shorten the facility’s downtime. This blog post features the piping and welding parts of the project.

Over 350,000 WDIs (weld diameter inches) needed to be welded inside the existing facility during the project. The large amount of welding and (re)piping during the project created a critical challenge for efficiency, and Prokon needed a solution to improve traceability and visibility into pipe spooling and welding.

The piping engineering department used Intergraph Spoolgen to create the piping isometric drawings for fabrication and erection, based on data from the detailed engineering phase. After this, Prokon’s engineering department delivered the piping data to fabrication in a PCF and IDF formats.

Using Spoolgen, Prokon ensured total data consistency with the original design of the piping system. This accurate flow of electronic data significantly reduced the chances of piping data errors, helping the company to avoid expensive rework, saving time and associated costs.

With Smart Isometrics, Prokon was able to sketch pipelines and piping systems for the facility in minutes and generate isometric drawings for these even faster.

Moving forward, Prokon is currently using Hexagon solutions in its Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery (HAOR) modernization and reconstruction project and will continue to use Hexagon solutions in future projects.

“Hexagon solutions enable us to cut across all the boundaries in engineering and facilitate collaboration across different departments. There are no limits in what Hexagon engineering solutions can do!” – Khalid Shahbazov, Piping Engineer at Prokon.

Read the complete case study in our Resource Center for a more detailed description of the project.

About the Author

Erika is the Communications & Content Strategy Lead for Hexagon. Located in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands, Erika has worked at Hexagon for seven years and has 10+ years of experience in the tech field. She loves all things content-related, from strategy to planning and creating compelling content. She drives both internal and external communications initiatives for the region, focusing on audience-centric content and strategy.

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