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When Shifting to Operating from a Home Office … (How to work from home w/ customers)

Even though the shift of working onsite to a home office due to the COVID-19 crisis started in the United States two weeks ago – and much of the rest of the world longer ago than that – we are all still adjusting to the changes this necessary transformation has brought on.

Besides just getting adjusted to working in a different space, we must also fine tune the way we access and utilize our platforms and solutions.

To assist our customers during this new way of doing our jobs, we’ve compiled a list of home-working related questions and answers.

Our Global Support team is fully staffed and available to assist you. We are continuing in a normal fashion with a heightened awareness and urgency around specific issues that some of you are experiencing as it relates to the sudden change in work from home for your business.

Together we can come up with timely solutions to resolve any issues you are facing. If you have other questions, please contact our Smart Support Team.