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Why Should You Care About Smart Materials 10?

The newer, more modern interface for Intergraph Smart Materials 10 groups screens by function, which creates a more efficient work process.


Wouldn’t it be great if – when working on a plant improvement project or even a completely new facility – you had everything you needed, right when you needed it? If you didn’t need to go looking for materials, contractors and equipment?

Just imagine how valuable that would be on your projects, where you manage small construction sites up to some of the world’s largest projects. It would save so much time, and time is certainly money on projects where thousands and thousands of parts and materials are involved.

For years, Intergraph Smart Materials has served as the industry-leading integrated solution for lifecycle material, supply chain and subcontract management. It provides a common collaboration platform and project workbench for all supply chain partners.

With the advent of Smart Materials 10, this great product is getting even better. The latest update to Hexagon’s world class materials and contract management system marks the largest update in Smart Materials history.

To demonstrate this update, we are hosting a webinar on Feb. 18, “The Launch of a New Smart Materials.” Join us to learn, see and experience how powerful this new User Experience is. Learn about the advantages for project managers, discipline users and the IT department in this latest update.

Also presenting the Smart Materials story with me is Jeff Bashir, who is the director of global market development for Hexagon PPM’s procurement, fabrication and construction solutions.

Together we’ll show how Smart Materials can help lower project costs, compress schedules, improve risk management and enable companies to act globally to maintain advantage in a highly complex, international and competitive market.

Register today!