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Food & Beverage

Bridging Skilled Labor Transformation: Tactical Digital Transformation

Bridging the Skilled Labor Gap with Digital Transformation 

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Consumer demand is growing and manufacturers are struggling to find skilled labor to keep up the pace. This skills deficit could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, costing the U.S. economy $1 trillion in 2030 alone! Food & Bev manufacturers are directly affected by the labor gap and must adopt new technology to shift from operating in a reactive state (fighting fires) to a proactive state (preventing fires). By focusing limited resources, optimizing performance and automating repetitive processes, Hexagon’s AI-driven approach helps Food & Bev manufacturers improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) fast.

Hosted by: Patrick Harrigan 

Patrick joined Hexagon in 2017 as part of the Catavolt acquisition where he spent partnered with industrial clients to deliver digital transformation initiatives utilizing cloud computing, enterprise integration, and mobility to drive process improvement for front-line employees. As Director of Business Development for Hexagon’s Xalt Solutions, his experience and insight are continuing to help industrial manufacturing enterprises implement innovative and transformative technology solutions such as Smart Connected Factories and Connected Workers.