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Tips & Tricks: New System Notifications

With the 8.6 release of EcoSys, we reintroduced the icon previously known as the Visual Workflow  Notifications icon as the System Notifications icon!

The NEW System Notifications icon includes expanded functionality requiring an overall-encompassing, expanded title.

In previous versions, the flag icon in the EcoSys Main Icon Toolbar was called Visual Workflow Notifications. When the user clicked on the flag icon, the Visual Workflows Notifications screen was displayed. Now, when the user clicks on the icon, the System Notifications tray appears.

A red exclamation point appears on the icon when there is a notification pending for the user. The System Notifications tray includes two types of notifications, which appear as tiles.

The first notification type housed in the System Notifications tray is the Workflow Notification type. Previously, the user launched the Visual Workflow Notifications screen by clicking on the flag icon. Now, the user clicks on the flag icon to display the System Notifications tray and then on the link in the Workflow Manager tile to access any visual workflows requiring user action.

Once opened, the Visual Workflow Notifications screen enables the user to visually track the progress of Visual Workflows in which they are a participant.

The other type of notification is the Security Notification type, which appears in an Action Required tile. These Security Notification Action Required tiles contain information regarding security alerts.

In 8.6, live security alerts were introduced. The new Security alert messages allow users to refresh their security profile immediately or to dismiss the message and refresh their profile later.

When a security alert message appears and the user decides to refresh their security access immediately, they click on the Refresh button in the security alert message. Their security access is then refreshed, and they can continue to work in the system with their new permissions.

Otherwise, when a security alert message appears and the user chooses to refresh their security access later, the user dismisses the message by clicking the X. The security alert is then moved to the System Notifications tray where it remains until the user takes action.

When the user is ready to refresh their security access, they click the System Notifications icon to display the Action Required tile. From here, they click on the Refresh button and their security access is then refreshed.

The NEW System Notification icon functionality was broadened in the 8.6 release of EcoSys to include not only the previous Workflow Notifications but adds the Security Notifications. These notifications are housed in the new System Notifications tray. The System Notifications icon and tray functionality will continue to expand in future EcoSys releases to house other types of system notifications.