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Empower the Manufacturing Workforce

Forward-thinking companies prioritize technology and upskilling to find and retain skilled workers.  

A Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute (MI) report finds the U.S. manufacturing industry faces a labor shortage in 2024. As of January, there were 622,000 unfilled manufacturing jobs, and research projects that the industry will need an additional 3.8 million workers between 2024 and 2033. 

From ongoing disruptions caused by the pandemic to the Great Resignation and the retirement of experienced workers, often called the silver tsunami, manufacturers face significant workforce challenges. 

Yet, industry growth remains. Manufacturers must consider versatile workforce strategies to keep up. A one-size-fits-all solution won't suffice. Manufacturers ought to prioritize technology and training to attract and retain skilled workers. This employee-focused approach helps position companies for long-term success in a challenging labor market. 

Shift the Focus: A People-Focused Approach

Historically, manufacturers focused on equipment and supply chain innovation—think smarter shop floor machinery and process automation—to reduce labor demand variability. However, these advancements have reached their peak. Now, companies focus on the people operating advanced machinery to improve talent retention. Manufacturers invest in upskilling and technology to meet the workforce's evolving expectations. Today's new hires have no interest in taking six months to learn their first job—they came to work. 

Transform Static Training Into Dynamic Knowledge

According to Deloitte research, employees are 2.7 times less likely to leave the organization in the next 12 months if they can acquire the necessary skills for the future. However, many manufacturers rely on standard operating procedures and training programs, which often become obsolete quickly. While automation has produced valuable data about equipment, it hasn't generated meaningful insights for workers. 

To improve talent retention, manufacturers ought to transition from static procedures to dynamic knowledge bases that capture the experience and insights of seasoned employees. For example, veteran operators understand the intricate mechanics and subtle changes in machinery. They know exactly what a different hum signifies. To capture these nuances, manufacturers can use intuitive technology platforms such as AcceleratorKMS®, where frontline workers can contribute their expertise to ensure that knowledge remains current and relevant. It's important to note that despite the availability of these types of proven connected worker solutions managers still hesitate and prefer not to be early adopters. However, the industry has entered the phase of mainstream adoption. Organizations that embrace these technologies and empower their workforce to use these tools effectively will achieve greater success. Those that do not risk being left behind. 

Engage the Front Line

Forward-thinking manufacturers recognize that the front line holds critical knowledge and expertise about facility operations, which drive improvements and further innovation. Such companies engage employees in the technology adoption process early to ensure that the solutions address real challenges on the shop floor. Leaders also identify change agents to advocate for change and lead the transformation efforts. They give employees ownership of the solutions to foster a sense of pride and investment in their work, which can lead to better business outcomes. 

Achieve Operational Excellence

Companies that prioritize employee-focused strategies can transform their training development and achieve greater operational excellence. Such an approach offers numerous benefits, including the following: 

  • Safety: Relevant, intuitive and easily accessible information helps employees to do their jobs safely. 

  • Facility Reliability: With the right technology and content, manufacturers can maintain accurate and evergreen information, which leads to fewer unplanned downtime incidents and better equipment performance. Employees can also extract real-time performance data to gain useful insights for proactive equipment maintenance approaches. 

  • Worker Retention: The right solutions provide employees with agency and autonomy, which allow them to take ownership of their work. This sense of empowerment remains crucial for job satisfaction and long-term retention. 


Partner With Us and Learn More

Manufacturers can create a robust and efficient operation that attracts and retains top talent through dynamic knowledge management and the active involvement of frontline workers in deploying new technologies. To learn more about these strategies, watch Hexagon's on-demand webinar series, "Future-Proofing Manufacturing: A Road Map to Resilience and Efficiency."