Human-Centered Design and Solution Implementation
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Industry has undergone a pendulum shift from solely optimizing physical assets to a balanced approach that integrates the manufacturing workforce. The connected factory worker benefits from a human-centric framework, which mixes different technologies with workforce strategy” – Gartner - Innovation Insight: Connected Factory Workers Drive Smart Manufacturing, August 2023
In today’s dynamic industrial solutions landscape, Hexagon provides a groundbreaking connected worker ecosystem that seamlessly integrates data, tools and human experience that underpin core industrial lifecycle work processes. Hexagon is developing a framework to help companies make better technology decisions and how to bridge data and experience. It comprises four layers of integrated support, each playing a crucial role in optimizing operations and empowering the workforce.
1. Why? - Strategic Layer (strategic core)
2. How? - Process Layer (asset lifecycle)
3. What? - Technology Layer (integrated tools)
4. Who? - Human Layer (total support and experience)
Join us as we explore how Hexagon’s connected worker ecosystem revolutionizes industry practices, enhances productivity and puts people at the heart of digital transformation.