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Power & Utilities

Gruppo CAP leader in water utility is using HxGN EAM to create intelligent networks and predictive maintenance

Gruppo CAP, a leading publicly owned water operator in Italy, serves over 2.2 million citizens across Milan and surrounding provinces. The company faced a significant challenge: consolidating and organizing its network management, which was spread throughout a broad area and included a complex array of assets. Efficiently maintaining thousands of kilometers of water and sewer networks, wastewater treatment plants, and purification plants demands real-time, consolidated data access. 

Gruppo CAP's data, unfortunately, was scattered across various business systems, and the granularity of this information varied. Critical data resided in Excel sheets, and paper records led to significant delays and data losses. 

Overcoming challenges 

To address these issues, Gruppo CAP embarked on a journey in January 2021 for a suitable enterprise asset management system. Their choice? HxGN EAM software, designed to manage complex assets, integrate multiple data sources, and leverage advanced technology with minimal development effort. The unique “hybrid agile” methodology adopted during HxGN EAM's implementation ensured rapid, flexible, and transparent processes. Gruppo CAP's Head of Asset Management, Matteo Belloni, attests to HxGN EAM's success and the progress that the team has achieved. 

Realizing Results   

Through the adoption of HxGN EAM, Gruppo CAP has: 

  • Centralized data, eliminating silos 

  • Gained a comprehensive real-time view of its assets 

  • Enhanced data-driven decision-making capabilities 

  • Introduced KPIs and predictive analytics for optimized maintenance 

  • Facilitated fieldwork with instant data access, thanks to HxGN EAM’s mobility features 

This holistic approach not only increased efficiency but also bolstered customer satisfaction, paving the way for sustainable water services. 

Looking Ahead 

Gruppo CAP's vision does not end here. The team is ready to incorporate Maintenance 4.0 into their operations, making use of sophisticated modules such as predictive maintenance and machine learning for anomaly detection. 

Senior IT Project Manager, Tiziana Lorefice, emphasizes that the adoption of HxGN EAM was a strategic move. "The adoption of HxGN EAM was a strategic decision and has become a critical application within the company,” says Tiziana Lorefice, Senior IT Project Manager, explains. “It will now be enriched with new integrations.”

In partnership with I-AM and Hexagon, Gruppo CAP has laid the groundwork for the digital transformation of its operations. The fruits of this labor, as noted by Matteo Belloni, “The path undertaken with I-am and Hexagon laid the groundwork for the reengineering of our operations. This is a complex transformation that will take time - but we have enabled the continuous improvement of all our business processes, and we are already seeing the benefits.”   For more information's about Gruppo CAP, discover the case study here.