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Design & Visualization

D2RT Enhances Project Offering Through Efficiency, Rigorous Analysis with Hexagon CADWorx

D2RT Engineering is a Lithuanian-Polish engineering services company that covers process, mechanical and civil engineering parts of projects in industrial settings. The company was selected by a client for the Propane-Propylene Fraction (PPF) splitter revamp project, at an oil refinery built in the eighties. This project, including the installation of the PPF splitter, had to be completed on-time and cost-effectively.

A key aspect of the project was to utilize and revamp the existing mothballed gas plant and reuse as much of the viable existing equipment as possible. This involved reassessment services of the existing equipment to determine if the equipment was fit for service.

CADWorx Plant was selected for its plant design and automation capabilities, as it is the most complete DWG file-based solution. Integrated with CADWorx, CAESAR II was used to perform code checks and provide further analysis. CADWorx Structure was chosen for its effective structural design capabilities, and Visual Vessel Design was used to execute the comprehensive design and analysis of pressure vessels.

CADWorx Design Review enabled the D2RT Engineering team to assemble separate drawings into a single 3D model, giving greater visualization. These solutions were chosen due to the ability to seamlessly transfer information and files between different applications quickly, for further analysis and visibility.

Moving forward, D2RT Engineering will continue using Hexagon solutions in its upcoming projects to ensure productivity and quality, with error-free designs.

Products used:
• CADWorx Plant Professional
• CADWorx Structure
• Visual Vessel Design

Read the entire case study to learn more about the problems solved and the benefits gained.

About the Author

Erika is the Communications & Content Strategy Lead for Hexagon. Located in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands, Erika has worked at Hexagon for seven years and has 10+ years of experience in the tech field. She loves all things content-related, from strategy to planning and creating compelling content. She drives both internal and external communications initiatives for the region, focusing on audience-centric content and strategy.

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